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That's me Laura, I'm the founder and CEO of Le Petit Croissant, a company that I launched in January 2017 in Hong Kong.
I've always loved good food. That's probably because I've always seen my parents cooking at home in France.
I started my work life in the food delivery industry in Hong Kong. I quickly became passionate about that sector which has been booming in the recent years.
Back then, I was the kind of person who had dozen business ideas per day and I was dreaming about becoming an entrepreneur. One day, the idea of Le Petit Croissant came to my mind & I never let it go. That's how I became anentrepreneur at the age of 24.
What an adventure it has been ever since...
Yes it's me again on that picture making bread in our old kitchen :)
Let me tell you how it all started. I was trying to get early breakfast delivered to me and I couldn't find any that was opening early enough and making really good pastries. So I thought that maybe I wasn't the only one looking for that service. And well, I told myself that I would bake myself and deliver to people even though it implied to wake up really early.
So I figured out how to open a business in Hong Kong. It wasn't so difficult as I am the sole owner of the company. And I started the business only 3 months after I got the idea, which is pretty fast. During those 3 months, I found a company name, I registered the company, I created a website and I organized the operations.
When I started the business, I used to be in the kitchen every night. After my night shift, I did all the deliveries by myself. During the day, I would work on the website and customer acquisition. It was intense but extremely rewarding.

Launching my company was probably the best thing I ever did! Becoming an entrepreneur was my dream and I will never regret taking the risk to start the adventure.
It has now been over 3 years that Le Petit Croissant delivers breakfast to the most recognized corporations in Hong Kong.
In 3 years, our production increased, our team grew and I opened in a second country which is Singapore in May 2019.
I'm so proud of where we are now! My team is putting effort in delivering a service of great quality to every single client.
Hong Kong has been a blueprint market now it's time for us to grow in Singapore!
Where next? I don't know yet!
You can follow our stories on Instagram @lepetitcroissantasia or sign up to our newsletter but let me tell you that you'll get hungry all the time with our food pictures ;)
I am always happy to meet new people, entrepreneurs or future ones so feel free to drop me an email if you are interested to meet. My email is laura@lepetitcroissant.hk
I look forward to delivering to you all. Yes it could be me knocking at your door with your breakfast delivery ;)